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Uplift Mechanisms and the History of the Tibetan Plateau

Uplift Mechanisms and the History of the Tibetan Plateau

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Full Title: Toward an Improved Understanding of Uplift Mechanisms and the Elevation History of the Tibetan Plateau

Editors: Junsheng Nie, Brian K. Horton, and Gregory D. Hoke

Defining the mechanisms responsible for topographic growth of the Tibetan Plateau has challenged geoscientists for decades. Deformation histories, sediment accumulation records, and thermochronology results suggest that plateau construction is likely the result of a protracted history of deformation that initiated before and continued throughout the Cenozoic India-Asia collision. However, key questions remain. What was the relative importance and magnitudes of pre-Cenozoic, Paleogene, and Neogene shortening? Has elevation gain in Tibet been punctuated or continuous? Did the Tibetan Plateau experience a shift in deformation kinematics during the Cenozoic and, if so, what were the driving mechanisms? How have tectonics and climate interacted during construction of the Tibetan Plateau? Advances in our understanding of these issues can be found in this volume.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 8/26/2014

ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-2507-9

Pages: 153

Product Category: Special Papers