Full Title: Geoscience for the Public Good and Global Development: Toward a Sustainable Future
Editors: Gregory R. Wessel and Jeffrey K. Greenberg
This volume offers an overview of the applications of the geosciences to sustainable development and geophilanthropic efforts worldwide, and offers advice to guide the creation of development projects. The primacy of geologic input to all development activities is highlighted along with problems that are encountered and environmental issues that must be addressed. General principles to follow are discussed, including guidelines for creating truly sustainable solutions, building foundations for effective international development, the importance of ethical and social values, the motivation behind sustainable development, and how geoscientists can best become development practitioners.
Numerous case studies provide examples of planning for sustainability in mineral resources, water resources, mitigation of geologic hazards, waste management, urban development, and regional evaluation of development constraints and opportunities. The reader should come away with a general understanding of how sustainable development projects might be organized and where they might be most successful.
[ Table of Contents ] [ Foreword by G.H. Davis & Introduction ]
Published: 5/11/2016
ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-2520-8
Pages: 478
Product Category: Special Papers