Full title: The Appalachian Geology of John M. Dennison: Rocks, People, and a Few Good Restaurants along the Way
Editors: Katharine Lee Avary, Kenneth O. Hasson, and Richard J. Diecchio
Description: Dr. John M. Dennison spent his career studying the Appalachians; teaching and mentoring his students and professional colleagues; publishing papers; leading field trips; and presenting ideas at regional, national, and international conferences. This volume is a collection of papers contributed by former students and colleagues to honor his memory. Topics include stratigraphy and paleontology ranging in age from Ordovician to Mississippian in Kentucky, New York, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia; Devonian airfall tephras throughout the eastern United States; a Devonian lonestone; a Middle Eocene bentonite in North Carolina and its relationship to a volcanic swarm in western Virginia; and a 3D model of a ductile duplex in northwestern Georgia. The stratigraphic and geologic diversity of the papers reflects Dennison's many interests and collaborative relationships.
ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-2545-1
Pages: 249