Full title: From Coastal Geomorphology to Magmatism: Guides to GSA Connects 2024 Field Trips in Southern California and Beyond
Editors: Nicholas J. Van Buer and Joshua J. Schwartz
Eight field guides take you to a variety of locations in southern California, USA, and beyond. Explore basaltic volcanoes in Hawai‘i (active!) and California’s Mojave Desert (Miocene to Quaternary). Learn about the geology and paleontology of some of southern California’s top attractions: Disneyland and the La Brea Tar Pits. Study post-fire debris flows in the San Bernardino Mountains and magmatic fracture systems in Yosemite National Park. Investigate the geologic history of the Santa Monica Mountains and Santa Cruz Island. These field guides from the GSA Connects 2024 meeting in Anaheim, California, are an indispensable resource for geology enthusiasts!
Check out the GSA Connects 2024—Southern California Geo-Sites Map!
Published: est. 09/12/2024
ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-0070-0
Pages: 201
Product Code: FLD070
Product Category: Field Guides